
Hinode XRT, Courtesy SAO, NASA, JAXA, and NAOJ (XRT@SAO)

XRT Open Gband , 1024 x 1024

(Total of 2 frames like this in time range)
Context Image
17-Oct-08 05:48:00 to 17-Oct-08 05:48:06
Frame Size: 512 x 512 #Frames: 2
JavaScript 404.42 KB Flash(FlAniS) 404.42 KB MPEG 17.77 KB

XRT Open Be_thick , 1024 x 1024

(Total of 2 frames like this in time range)
Context Image
17-Oct-08 05:48:13 to 17-Oct-08 05:48:18
Frame Size: 512 x 512 #Frames: 2
JavaScript 64.19 KB Flash(FlAniS) 64.19 KB MPEG 280.87 KB

Hinode is a Japanese mission developed and launched by ISAS/JAXA, with NAOJ as domestic partner and NASA and STFC (UK) as international partners. It is operated by these agencies in co-operation with ESA and NSC (Norway).
