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CR - Coronal Rain [MetaEvent] 2015-11-04T00:00:06 -> 2015-11-04T05:36:06 xcen, ycen = 870,150


Description: An AR approaching the NW limb exhibits two successive short-duration M-class flares, associated with spray-like eruptions of filament material. Following the first such eruption, a small bipolar region trailing the AR destabilizes and erupts, possibly in a form of sympathy through magnetic coupling. The second eruption is followed by coronal rain: thin, elongated strands of dark material fall down along a ridge of field, causing impact brightenings in at least Fe IX-XIV that last for a few to just over 5 minutes at any given location.

A metaevent is an event that serves as a parent container to a group of events that are deemed to be related in some way. For example, these events could refer to the same event, but perhaps only differ in the wavelength the event was viewed. The component events of this metaevent can be found below in the Links section.

Solar Object Locator:

Event TitleTwo flares, sprays/eruptions, rain/impacts, and likely sympathy.
Event TypeCR - Coronal Rain
Event Coord SysUTC-HPC-TOPO
Event Coord Unitarcsec
Event End Time2015-11-04T05:36:06
Event Start Time2015-11-04T00:00:06
Event Test Flagfalse
Event DescriptionAn AR approaching the NW limb exhibits two successive short-duration M-class flares, associated with spray-like eruptions of filament material. Following the first such eruption, a small bipolar region trailing the AR destabilizes and erupts, possibly in a form of sympathy through magnetic coupling. The second eruption is followed by coronal rain: thin, elongated strands of dark material fall down along a ridge of field, causing impact brightenings in at least Fe IX-XIV that last for a few to just over 5 minutes at any given location.
OBS Wavel Unitcm

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First Event IVORN Edge Type Second Event IVORN Strength Reported By
ivo://helio-informatics.org/CR211_KarelSchrijver_20151105_214937 is_member_of ivo://helio-informatics.org/CRMET_KarelSchrijver_20151105_214937 1.0 schrijver_karel
ivo://helio-informatics.org/CR193_KarelSchrijver_20151105_214937 is_member_of ivo://helio-informatics.org/CRMET_KarelSchrijver_20151105_214937 1.0 schrijver_karel
ivo://helio-informatics.org/CR171_KarelSchrijver_20151105_214937 is_member_of ivo://helio-informatics.org/CRMET_KarelSchrijver_20151105_214937 1.0 schrijver_karel

Revision # Revision Date Revised By
1 2015-11-05 schrijver_karel

Identification Method
FRM Nameschryver (Other features and events submitted by schryver)
FRM InstituteLMSAL
FRM ContactScott Green
FRM Date Run2015-11-05T21:49:37
FRM IdentifierMetaEventCreator
FRM Parametersn/a
FRM Human Flagtrue

Overall Rating 5.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)
Number of Ratings1

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