Recent Events Reported by Observers
Previous NextDetected by Paola Testa, Submitted at 2023-05-09T23:05:21
2023-04-25T07:14:45 --> 2023-04-25T07:44:44
Small flare ribbon visible in SJI but not under the slit. The hot loops (visible in AIA 94) are short-lived (< 10 min)
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-08T07:19:53
2023-05-05T19:32:30 --> 2023-05-05T20:58:25
Plasma jet off to the bottom right of the FOV. Ejected plasma reaches an apex in its trajectory, then falls back to the surface.
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-08T06:48:58
2023-05-04T09:58:46 --> 2023-05-04T10:21:53
Very active run, with many brightenings and interesting plasma flows throughout the observation. Likely unclassified non-GOES flare with ribbons crossing the slit and plasma ejections occurs towards beginning of observation (t~10:05).
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-08T06:37:09
2023-05-04T08:27:16 --> 2023-05-04T09:27:55
Non-GOES flaring activity caught in FOV to the left of slit. Interesting plasma flows caught at end of observing run, possibly over slit.
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-08T06:28:23
2023-05-03T18:11:30 --> 2023-05-03T18:31:30
C3.0 flare produced from AR13293, followed by two lesser C-class flares. Evolution captured under slit.
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-08T06:19:43
2023-05-03T12:58:24 --> 2023-05-03T14:13:44
M2.2 flare produced from AR13293. \nFull evolution captured under slit. \nIncredible pre-flare and eruption dynamics captured via high-cadence SJI observations. \n\nSmaller C-class flares (C3.1, C1.9, C1.8) also fully captured in FOV and along slit following the M2.2 event. \n\nLingering impulsive activity develops along slit for much of the observation\u2019s duration, along with interesting plasma flows.
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-08T05:55:26
2023-05-03T08:28:43 --> 2023-05-03T11:07:16
Three M-class flares produced in rapid succession from AR13293. Chronologically: M4.2, M3.1, M7.2. Total lifetime of each flare --- pre-flare build-up, impulsive energy release, decay --- is captured under the slit for each flare. Localized, lingering activity following the M7.2 flare can also be seen along the slit. Ejected material and plasma flows can be seen in the SJI for each flare as well.
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-06T05:04:49
2023-05-02T19:04:48 --> 2023-05-02T19:18:44
Non-GOES class flare w/ ribbon. Possible redshifts in spectral lines.
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-06T04:42:56
2023-05-02T14:33:10 --> 2023-05-02T17:02:45
SJI 2796 shows interesting oscillations/waves in the sunspot umbra. In addition, there are several brightenings along the slit that exhibit explosive behavior, including possible Fe XXI emission at the end of the observation.
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-06T04:32:55
2023-05-02T10:09:21 --> 2023-05-02T10:56:29
Small flare with ribbon over slit. Some of a larger C2.4 flare can be seen later in the bottom right of the FOV.
Detected by William Ashfield, Submitted at 2023-05-06T04:20:41
2023-05-02T05:36:48 --> 2023-05-02T06:12:01
Small, short duration flare in AR 13288. Flare simultaneous with another flare in AR 13293 --- possible sympathetic event. Not much spectral activity.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-06-08T18:31:17
2023-04-20T21:58:07 --> 2023-04-20T22:47:24
Flare ribbons corresponding to the footprints of coronal loops are seen in this CII IRIS movie. In SDO AIA channels of 94, 171 and 193 A, flare signatures are seen. AR 13281.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-06-08T18:31:17
2023-04-20T21:58:07 --> 2023-04-20T22:46:55
Flare ribbons corresponding to the footprints of coronal loops are seen in this CII IRIS movie. In SDO AIA channels of 94, 171 and 193 A, flare signatures are seen.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-05-04T02:41:11
2023-04-20T08:39:07 --> 2023-04-20T09:11:12
Filament threads and mass motion seen along an active region filament in AR 13283. Ribbons in the shape of the mirror image of 'C' is seen on the left of the region of interest, this corresponds to the ends of the hot loops seen in 94 A during the same time range.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-05-04T02:15:20
2023-04-19T21:32:35 --> 2023-04-19T21:59:32
Loop brightenings are seen in AIA 94 A channel, corresponding brightening of the loop footprints are seen in this CII 1330A movie bordering a filament on the left in this active region (AR 13282). Filament activation with mass surges along filament threads are also seen.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-05-04T01:38:04
2023-04-19T10:53:17 --> 2023-04-19T11:08:45
Loops overlying the filament, which is on the right side of the frame of observations, heat up and cause energy depositions along the ends of the loops in the chromosphere and transition region as seen in the 1330, 1400 and 2796 Angstrom movies, giving it a flare-ribbon like appearance. Hot loops can be seen in AIA 94 A channel, although evidence for a flare is not seen. The loop ends on the other side are not covered in the IRIS field of view in this observation.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-05-04T00:55:52
2023-04-18T11:07:42 --> 2023-04-18T11:53:14
Part of a filament is observed in different channels of IRIS. Filament threads and mass flows along them (in both directions) can be seen distinctly. A little after the midpoint of the observations, filament activation occurs and a surge of mass along the threads can be seen, parts of which are twisted.
Detected by Chad Madsen, Submitted at 2023-04-18T21:10:30
2023-04-17T21:17:55 --> 2023-04-17T22:23:09
An eruption of warm material without an accompanying flare or filament eruption near the polarity inversion line of AR13828
Detected by Chad Madsen, Submitted at 2023-04-18T20:39:25
2023-04-17T05:40:40 --> 2023-04-17T07:18:13
A small prominence in a quiet-Sun region on the west limb
Detected by Chad Madsen, Submitted at 2023-04-18T20:27:09
2023-04-16T15:07:35 --> 2023-04-16T19:59:00
A small, dynamic prominence at equatorial latitudes on the west limb.