Recent Events Reported by Observers
Previous NextDetected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-07-29T19:04:36
2023-07-27T10:02:54 --> 2023-07-27T11:35:03
Surge along the filaments is observed followed by ribbon-like features adjacent to the filament sides.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-07-29T18:53:55
2023-07-27T13:59:25 --> 2023-07-27T14:31:47
Part of one of the flare-ribbon is captured by IRIS SJI in the north part of the sunspot.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-07-29T18:46:32
2023-07-28T01:42:39 --> 2023-07-28T02:24:47
A surge occurs near the bottom of the sunspot highlighting a light-bridge on the bottom part of the sunspot in the beginning of the observation. \nFlare ribbons can be seen in the upper part of the FOV traveling towards the sunspot making a light-bridge in the upper part of the sunspot later. Slit crosses part of the flare ribbon.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-07-29T18:15:11
2023-07-28T12:43:55 --> 2023-07-28T12:59:28
A flare-like brightening is captured by IRIS and the slit crosses part of the flare region. This occurs prior to the C7.8 flare at 14:44UT in the same region.
Detected by Aparna Venkataramanasastry, Submitted at 2023-07-29T07:03:09
2023-07-28T15:37:47 --> 2023-07-28T16:43:11
Flare ribbon like features at the top right of the sunspot. Bright Penumbral filaments can be seen below the sunspot. Slit crosses several of these penumbral filaments.
Detected by Paul Bryans, Submitted at 2023-07-17T17:13:33
2023-07-09T13:46:58 --> 2023-07-09T14:41:03
Slit covers one of the flare ribbons. The other is in the SJI FOV. No GOES class.
Detected by Paul Bryans, Submitted at 2023-07-17T17:10:26
2023-07-07T12:06:34 --> 2023-07-07T12:32:03
Possible small flare followed by interesting flows along the bottom of the FOV.
Detected by Paul Bryans, Submitted at 2023-07-17T17:08:21
2023-07-05T23:36:55 --> 2023-07-06T00:05:03
Small flare. No GOES class.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T15:17:44
2023-07-03T19:44:49 --> 2023-07-03T23:05:42
IRIS observes a series of UV bursts and small-scale loop brightenings in the core of AR 13354. Some of them are right under the slit.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T15:00:49
2023-07-03T04:15:35 --> 2023-07-03T04:59:52
Flare brightenings in AR 13354 are partially observed by IRIS, including a C4.4 (01:45 UT) and a C2.8 (04:15 UT).
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T14:47:21
2023-07-02T10:54:00 --> 2023-07-02T15:38:40
IRIS observes several groups of UV bursts and a few C-class flares in AR 13354 in high-cadence slit jaw program. Brightenings of bursts, ribbons and loops are visible in the south and west of the sunspot in FOV.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T14:30:39
2023-07-01T10:05:29 --> 2023-07-01T14:55:42
A large-scale filament is located in the south of AR 13359, near the southeast solar limb. Eastern part of the filament appears off the limb. IRIS captures part of the off-limb prominence in the bottom of FOV, with materials flowing and falling.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T14:04:17
2023-07-01T03:09:06 --> 2023-07-01T03:49:56
Coronal rains are seen off the NW limb, and surges occur persistently. One of the most bright and dynamic structures are right under the IRIS slit.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T01:50:28
2023-06-30T15:46:24 --> 2023-06-30T16:30:48
UV bursts and jets (bottom right) are observed in IRIS FOV under a high-cadence program. Oscillations are seen in the sunspot at the left.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T01:28:33
2023-06-29T02:52:19 --> 2023-06-29T03:31:50
Part of a C1.9 flare (peaking at 03:10 UT) in AR 13354 is observed by IRIS, raster scans over flare loops.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T01:18:04
2023-06-28T13:29:37 --> 2023-06-28T13:50:48
Persistent brightenings and flaring activities occur, including a C2.4 flare (peaking at 13:33 UT).
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T01:07:31
2023-06-28T09:58:06 --> 2023-06-28T12:12:40
Coronal rains at the southwest solar limb, plasmas moving along the magnetic field lines and falling back to the Sun
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-06T00:38:35
2023-06-28T03:11:16 --> 2023-06-28T03:27:09
Plasmas jet off to the top of the IRIS FOV, very close to the region with a lot of flaring activities.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-05T00:50:45
2023-06-27T21:11:08 --> 2023-06-27T21:19:35
IRIS scans over the early phase of a C-class flare in AR 13354.
Detected by Tingyu Gou, Submitted at 2023-07-04T23:32:02
2023-06-27T09:11:03 --> 2023-06-27T10:05:47
Flare ribbons of a low C-class in IRIS