Recent Events Reported by Observers
Previous NextDetected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T23:06:42
2022-05-20T01:35:40 --> 2022-05-20T01:47:02
Flare ribbon briefly visible in both SJI and raster.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T23:00:48
2022-05-20T07:39:04 --> 2022-05-20T08:21:15
M-class flare in SJI.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:53:20
2022-05-20T00:23:29 --> 2022-05-20T00:37:05
Minor flare briefly visible in SJI and raster.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:50:52
2022-05-19T17:33:50 --> 2022-05-19T18:23:32
Flare/jet visible in both SJI and raster.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:48:25
2022-05-19T17:20:52 --> 2022-05-19T19:20:49
Eruptive flare at the top of the FOV in both raster and SJI.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:45:24
2022-05-19T09:56:53 --> 2022-05-19T10:27:30
Flare ribbons of an M-class flare visible in SJI.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:42:30
2022-05-19T05:37:29 --> 2022-05-19T07:20:39
Flare ribbons visible in SJI for the most of the duration of the observation, partially visible in the raster.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:38:17
2022-05-19T02:57:52 --> 2022-05-19T03:09:08
Flare in SJI, NW part of FOV.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:31:29
2022-05-18T22:56:38 --> 2022-05-19T00:01:13
Eruptive C-class flare with ribbons visible in both raster and SJI.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:28:14
2022-05-18T21:08:30 --> 2022-05-18T21:33:28
M-class flare
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:25:24
2022-05-18T08:58:29 --> 2022-05-18T09:23:55
Flare with a ribbon briefly visible in both raster and SJI.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T22:00:47
2022-05-17T17:27:09 --> 2022-05-17T17:35:56
Small flare with ribbons in the northern part of raster and SJI.
Detected by Juraj Lorincik, Submitted at 2022-06-02T21:54:44
2022-05-17T07:30:36 --> 2022-05-17T08:05:07
Likely a C-class flare with ribbons briefly visible in SJI.
Detected by Navdeep Panesar, Submitted at 2022-05-31T18:38:55
2022-05-27T04:47:29 --> 2022-05-27T08:38:05
Eruption of a quiescent prominence
Detected by Navdeep Panesar, Submitted at 2022-05-31T18:36:45
2022-05-25T13:01:41 --> 2022-05-25T13:57:53
Eruption of a small-scale on-disk coronal jet along with a minifilament.
Detected by Navdeep Panesar, Submitted at 2022-05-31T18:32:59
2022-05-24T23:59:58 --> 2022-05-25T11:51:22
A group of on-disk solar plumes appear at unipolar flux region (negative-polarity flux).
Detected by Navdeep Panesar, Submitted at 2022-05-31T18:28:22
2022-05-25T16:52:10 --> 2022-05-25T20:22:46
M-class flare occurs from AR (NOAA 13016). Flare ribbons appear all along the magnetic neutral line.
Detected by Navdeep Panesar, Submitted at 2022-05-31T18:23:24
2022-05-23T00:25:05 --> 2022-05-23T19:17:05
Small-scale bipole emgered. One foot of the newly-emerged bipole cancelled with neighboring per-existing flux elements and that flux cancellation triggered a coronal jet eruption.
Detected by Navdeep Panesar, Submitted at 2022-05-31T18:17:49
2022-05-22T18:14:17 --> 2022-05-23T05:55:41
Evolution of a prominence-filament-cavity system
Detected by Navdeep Panesar, Submitted at 2022-05-31T18:15:44
2022-05-24T13:59:05 --> 2022-05-24T16:39:29
Evolution of an on-disk quiet region jet