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2021-12-03T23:54:37 to 2021-12-04T02:48:20
Science Goal: Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition
Program: Normal 320"x82", 1 side, Q75
Target: Bright Points
Pointing: xcen=-23 ycen=-38,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0319,812040
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0319,812040
6302A Transverse Flux Density0319,812040
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0319,812040
SOTSP: HOP 413, pointing 1
2021-03-08T10:26:00 to 2021-03-08T13:19:23
Science Goal: A coordinated observation of Hinode, Akatsuki, and BepiColombo for a heliospheric system investigation
Program: Fast deep mode, 2048 slit position, LIMB ONLY
Target: Pore
Pointing: xcen=-20 ycen=-812,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0314,162998
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0314,162998
6302A Transverse Flux Density0314,162998
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0314,162998
SOTSP: AR 12786
2020-12-01T00:01:58 to 2020-12-01T01:06:38
Science Goal: AR Observation
Program: Fast map (1.6 sec) 307x164 arcsec, 1-side CCD, no repeat, Q75, Q75
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=195 ycen=-330,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0322,1621017
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0322,1621017
6302A Transverse Flux Density0322,1621017
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0322,1621017
SOTSP: HOP 336 South
2020-11-30T18:05:59 to 2020-11-30T18:07:48
Science Goal: HOP 336 South
Program: Synoptic Very Fast Map, 15"x121", 3 mins.
Pointing: xcen=-0 ycen=7,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity015,12249
6302A Velocity 6301.5A015,12249
6302A Transverse Flux Density015,12249
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density015,12249
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T21:30:05 to 2020-10-31T22:02:26
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=853 ycen=-325,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0162,162512
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0162,162512
6302A Transverse Flux Density0162,162512
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0162,162512
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T19:50:05 to 2020-10-31T20:22:26
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=848 ycen=-326,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0162,162512
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0162,162512
6302A Transverse Flux Density0162,162512
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0162,162512
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T18:33:14 to 2020-10-31T19:03:22
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=849 ycen=-327,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0149,162472
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0149,162472
6302A Transverse Flux Density0149,162472
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0149,162472
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T16:30:05 to 2020-10-31T17:02:26
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=849 ycen=-329,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0114,162364
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0114,162364
6302A Transverse Flux Density0114,162364
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0114,162364
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T15:08:09 to 2020-10-31T15:40:26
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=833 ycen=-329,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0161,162511
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0161,162511
6302A Transverse Flux Density0161,162511
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0161,162511
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T14:08:06 to 2020-10-31T14:40:27
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=830 ycen=-330,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0159,162505
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0159,162505
6302A Transverse Flux Density0159,162505
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0159,162505
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T13:08:05 to 2020-10-31T13:40:26
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=824 ycen=-330,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0161,162510
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0161,162510
6302A Transverse Flux Density0161,162510
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0161,162510
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T12:08:06 to 2020-10-31T12:40:27
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=822 ycen=-331,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0162,162512
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0162,162512
6302A Transverse Flux Density0162,162512
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0162,162512
SOTSP: AR 12779
2020-10-31T11:09:19 to 2020-10-31T11:41:40
Science Goal: Magnetic evolution of active region
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=818 ycen=-332,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0162,162512
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0162,162512
6302A Transverse Flux Density0162,162512
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0162,162512
SOTSP: AR12778
2020-10-31T07:41:05 to 2020-10-31T08:00:32
Science Goal: AR12778
Program: Fast map, 164x164", 1-side, Q75, no repeat
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=810 ycen=-398,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity098,162308
6302A Velocity 6301.5A098,162308
6302A Transverse Flux Density098,162308
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density098,162308
2020-10-30T23:05:06 to 2020-10-31T01:58:50
Science Goal: Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition
Program: Normal 320"x82", 1 side, Q75
Target: Bright Points
Pointing: xcen=-23 ycen=-108,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity-1319,812034
6302A Velocity 6301.5A-1319,812034
6302A Transverse Flux Density-1319,812034
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density-1319,812034
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3876 matches
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