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SOTSP: HOP 484 Sunrise-3 at AR13738
2024-07-13T18:08:32 to 2024-07-13T18:10:22
Science Goal: HOP 484 Sunrise-3 at AR13738
Program: Synoptic Very Fast Map, 15"x162", 3 mins.
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=0 ycen=7,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity016,16250
6302A Velocity 6301.5A016,16250
6302A Transverse Flux Density016,16250
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density016,16250
SOTSP: HOP 484 Sunrise-3 at AR13738
2024-07-13T16:22:35 to 2024-07-13T17:16:54
Science Goal: Coordinate observations with SUNRISE-III balloon-borne telescope
Program: Normal Map, 102x102", 1 side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=587 ycen=-260,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity097,101613
6302A Velocity 6301.5A097,101613
6302A Transverse Flux Density097,101613
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density097,101613
2024-07-12T18:05:31 to 2024-07-12T18:07:15
Science Goal: HOP 484 SUNRISE-III AR 13738
Program: Synoptic Very Fast Map, 15"x162", 3 mins.
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=0 ycen=7,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity015,16248
6302A Velocity 6301.5A015,16248
6302A Transverse Flux Density015,16248
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density015,16248
2024-07-12T07:37:34 to 2024-07-12T08:21:03
Science Goal: SUNRISE-III observation in 2024
Program: Normal map 82"x82", Q65/Q75, 1 side
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=294 ycen=-265,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity080,81508
6302A Velocity 6301.5A080,81508
6302A Transverse Flux Density080,81508
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density080,81508
2024-07-11T13:41:05 to 2024-07-11T14:24:33
Science Goal: SUNRISE-III observation in 2024
Program: Normal map 82"x82", Q65/Q75, 1 side
Target: Quiet Sun
Pointing: xcen=-25 ycen=-143,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity080,81509
6302A Velocity 6301.5A080,81509
6302A Transverse Flux Density080,81509
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density080,81509
SOTSP: AR 13738 obs
2024-07-10T14:41:36 to 2024-07-10T15:28:59
Science Goal: AR 13738 obs
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=-140 ycen=-274,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0235,162745
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0235,162745
6302A Transverse Flux Density0235,162745
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0235,162745
SOTSP: AR 13736 obs
2024-07-09T04:18:34 to 2024-07-09T05:05:54
Science Goal: AR 13736 obs
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=-2 ycen=-432,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0236,162747
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0236,162747
6302A Transverse Flux Density0236,162747
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0236,162747
SOTSP: AR 13736 obs
2024-07-08T10:17:34 to 2024-07-08T11:04:58
Science Goal: AR 13736 obs
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=-155 ycen=-430,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0234,162744
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0234,162744
6302A Transverse Flux Density0234,162744
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0234,162744
SOTSP: AR 13736 obs
2024-07-07T09:44:05 to 2024-07-07T10:31:29
Science Goal: AR 13736 obs
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=-357 ycen=-425,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0233,162742
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0233,162742
6302A Transverse Flux Density0233,162742
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0233,162742
SOTSP: AR13729 HOP409
2024-07-05T00:25:35 to 2024-07-05T01:12:59
Science Goal: Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=581 ycen=-184,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0238,162750
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0238,162750
6302A Transverse Flux Density0238,162750
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0238,162750
SOTSP: AR 13723, HOP 409
2024-07-02T10:27:03 to 2024-07-02T11:14:27
Science Goal: Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=531 ycen=-412,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0231,162739
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0231,162739
6302A Transverse Flux Density0231,162739
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0231,162739
SOTSP: AR 13723, HOP 409
2024-07-01T08:00:04 to 2024-07-01T08:47:27
Science Goal: Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=341 ycen=-417,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0231,162739
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0231,162739
6302A Transverse Flux Density0231,162739
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0231,162739
SOTSP: AR 13723, HOP 409
2024-07-01T03:08:03 to 2024-07-01T03:55:27
Science Goal: Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Pore
Pointing: xcen=304 ycen=-417,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0233,162740
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0233,162740
6302A Transverse Flux Density0233,162740
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0233,162740
SOTSP: AR13723 Monitor
2024-06-28T16:08:34 to 2024-06-28T16:55:59
Science Goal: AR13723 Monitor
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=-191 ycen=-410,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0238,162750
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0238,162750
6302A Transverse Flux Density0238,162750
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0238,162750
SOTSP: AR13723 Monitor
2024-06-28T12:52:04 to 2024-06-28T13:39:28
Science Goal: AR13723 Monitor
Program: Fast map, 230"x164", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
Pointing: xcen=-219 ycen=-410,
saaIntervals hiIntervals
6302A Continuum Intensity0236,162747
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0236,162747
6302A Transverse Flux Density0236,162747
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0236,162747

233054 matches
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