Overview | Where | Raster | SJI | |||||||||||||||||
2014-05-26 06:58:49-07:16:53 |
Quiet Sun Throughput Monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-05-25 21:56:48-06:48:05 +1d |
AR Flare Watch OBS 3820107371: Large coarse 4-step raster |
2014-05-25 14:40:23-21:46:59 |
AR Flare Watch OBS 3820109371: Large coarse 4-step raster |
2014-05-25 11:51:02-14:20:44 |
HOP 247: Footpoints of Hot Loops OBS 3820257453: Large sit-and-stare |
2014-05-25 07:29:07-11:24:06 |
SST Coordination: Oxygen Abundance Study [Kiselman] OBS 3830262893: Very large sparse 64-step raster |
2014-05-25 06:24:33-06:34:09 |
Synoptic QS program OBS 3893012099: Coarse synoptic raster |
2014-05-25 05:54:58-06:13:04 |
Synoptic AR program OBS 3893010094: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-05-25 04:55:26-05:13:30 |
Quiet Sun Throughput Monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-05-24 21:38:06-04:44:42 +1d |
AR Flare Watch OBS 3820109371: Large coarse 4-step raster |
2014-05-24 14:21:04-21:27:40 |
AR Flare Watch OBS 3820109371: Large coarse 4-step raster |
2014-05-24 11:19:11-14:01:30 |
HOP 247: Footpoints of Hot Loops OBS 3820257453: Large sit-and-stare |
2014-05-24 07:30:29-10:52:15 |
SST coordination: Oxygen Abundance Study [Kiselman] OBS 3830262897: Dense synoptic raster |
2014-05-24 06:10:34-06:44:45 |
C1 South Pole Synoptic Program OBS 3880012095: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-05-24 05:25:30-05:59:41 |
C1 North Pole Synoptic Program OBS 3880012095: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-05-24 04:20:24-04:38:28 |
Quiet Sun Throughput Monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |