Overview | Where | Raster | SJI | |||||||||||||||
2014-06-24 06:10:03-07:24:52 |
AR 12093 monitoring with SOT, EIS OBS 3800108144: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-06-24 05:29:30-05:39:06 |
B2: quiet sun tracking OBS 3893012099: Coarse synoptic raster |
2014-06-24 05:00:00-05:18:06 |
B1: Active region tracking of AR 12093 OBS 3893010094: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-06-24 04:30:24-04:48:28 |
A1: Quiet Sun monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-06-23 07:30:38-09:46:53 |
AR Raster Coord. With SST OBS 3820259497: Dense synoptic raster |
2014-06-23 05:01:24-05:19:28 |
Throughput Monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-06-22 12:13:13-14:23:15 |
Flare Watch Coord. With SST OBS 3820507120: Medium coarse 4-step raster |
2014-06-22 07:30:38-11:17:43 |
AR Raster Coord. With SST OBS 3820259497: Dense synoptic raster |
2014-06-22 06:10:24-06:28:28 |
Throughput Monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-06-22 01:48:32-04:41:10 |
Low Data Rate Flare Watch OBS 3860361188: Large coarse 16-step raster |
2014-06-21 22:45:16-01:37:54 +1d |
Low Data Rate Flare Watch OBS 3860361188: Large coarse 16-step raster |
2014-06-21 20:46:01-21:53:16 |
B2 QS Tracking OBS 3893012099: Coarse synoptic raster |
2014-06-21 19:10:00-20:22:25 |
B1 AR Tracking OBS 3893010094: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-06-21 11:49:43-17:47:20 |
Flare Watch Coord. With SST OBS 3820507120: Medium coarse 4-step raster |
2014-06-21 07:31:38-11:03:34 |
Coronal Hole Coord. With SST OBS 3820259497: Dense synoptic raster |