Overview | Where | Raster | SJI |
2014-08-30 22:40:43-02:58:38 +1d
Low Mem Flare Watch OBS 3820259370: Medium coarse 4-step raster |
2014-08-30 21:56:28-22:30:39
C1: South Pole OBS 3880012095: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-08-30 21:04:18-21:38:29
C1: North Pole OBS 3880012095: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-08-30 17:23:22-20:53:19
BBSO Coordination, HOP 261 OBS 3820259376: Medium sparse 8-step raster |
2014-08-30 11:12:40-17:13:00
Flare Watch with SST, HOP 257 OBS 3820259353: Large sit-and-stare |
2014-08-30 09:32:34-11:02:46
Penumbral Jets with SST, HOP 257 OBS 3820255165: Medium dense 4-step raster |
2014-08-30 08:53:00-09:07:59
Stellar Calibration HD 91316 OBS 4203300096: HD91316-pointing8 |
x,y: | 1196",519" | Max FOV: | 29"x188" | Target: | (NONE) | Roll: | -1 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-08-30 08:04:00-08:45:59
Stellar Calibration HD 91316 OBS 4203300095: HD91316-pointing7 |
x,y: | 1132",534" | Max FOV: | 72"x196" | Target: | (NONE) | Roll: | -1 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-08-30 07:28:00-07:56:59
Stellar Calibration HD 91316 OBS 4203300094: HD91316-pointing6 |
x,y: | 1032",544" | Max FOV: | 58"x183" | Target: | (NONE) | Roll: | -1 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-08-30 06:43:00-07:20:59
Stellar Calibration HD 91316 OBS 4203300093: HD91316-pointing5 |
x,y: | 929",557" | Max FOV: | 65"x204" | Target: | (NONE) | Roll: | -1 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-08-30 06:01:00-06:35:59
Stellar Calibration HD 91316 OBS 4203300092: HD91316-pointing4 |
x,y: | 828",570" | Max FOV: | 74"x186" | Target: | (NONE) | Roll: | -1 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-08-30 04:48:22-05:06:26
A1: QS Sensitivity Monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-08-29 22:57:27-03:38:26 +1d
Flare Watch, HOP 244 OBS 3820259580: Large coarse 8-step raster |
2014-08-29 19:56:16-22:42:18
Flare Watch, HOP 244 OBS 3820259580: Large coarse 8-step raster |
2014-08-29 19:05:00-19:07:59
Stellar Calibration HD 91316 OBS 4203300091: HD91316-pointing3 |
x,y: | -754",545" | Max FOV: | 0"x180" | Target: | (NONE) | Roll: | -1 deg | Nearby Events |