Overview | Where | Raster | SJI |
2014-10-21 18:10:52-03:34:34 +1d
Flare watch at AR12192 OBS 3860261353: Large sit-and-stare |
2014-10-21 11:43:53-17:59:19
Flare watch at AR12192, HOP263 OBS 3860259388: Large coarse 16-step raster |
2014-10-21 06:20:46-11:34:06
Flare watch at AR12192 OBS 3860259353: Large sit-and-stare |
2014-10-21 06:01:09-06:10:45
B2: QS Tracking OBS 3893012099: Coarse synoptic raster |
2014-10-21 05:30:00-05:47:48
B1: AR Tracking OBS 3893260094: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-10-21 04:20:24-04:38:28
A1: QS Monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-10-20 22:19:51-01:49:37 +1d
400-step AR Scan OBS 3820173296: Very large dense raster |
2014-10-20 19:40:04-19:57:20
Focus Calibration OBS 4203600004: Fine focus 2832, 1330, 2796, 1400; return to -131 |
2014-10-20 19:10:24-19:28:28
A1: QS Monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2014-10-20 18:10:03-18:15:44
HOP 263: Flare Watch with DST, post-obs raster OBS 3880356995: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
x,y: | -563",-282" | Max FOV: | 127"x175" | Target: | AR | Roll: | -45 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-10-20 16:11:43-18:00:05
HOP 263: Flare Watch with DST OBS 3860354980: Large coarse 8-step raster |
x,y: | -577",-281" | Max FOV: | 14"x119" | Target: | AR | Roll: | -45 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-10-20 15:56:05-16:01:46
HOP 263: Flare Watch with DST, pre-obs raster OBS 3880356995: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
x,y: | -579",-281" | Max FOV: | 127"x175" | Target: | AR | Roll: | -45 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-10-19 22:04:38-00:54:00 +1d
HOP 267: Footpoints of sunspot plumes OBS 3820258690: Large dense 64-step raster |
2014-10-19 18:10:02-18:15:43
HOP 263: Flare Watch with DST, post-obs raster OBS 3880356995: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
x,y: | -731",-269" | Max FOV: | 127"x175" | Target: | AR | Roll: | -45 deg | Nearby Events |
2014-10-19 14:59:35-18:00:12
HOP 263: Flare Watch with DST OBS 3860354980: Large coarse 8-step raster |
x,y: | -746",-265" | Max FOV: | 14"x119" | Target: | AR | Roll: | -45 deg | Nearby Events |