Overview | Where | Raster | SJI |
2015-10-04 04:14:03-04:32:09
B1: AR tracking limb-to-limb, AR12427 OBS 3893010094: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2015-10-04 03:54:41-04:04:17
B2: QS tracking limb-to-limb OBS 3893012099: Coarse synoptic raster |
2015-10-03 20:09:31-03:06:31 +1d
Low datarate flare watch on limb, AR12422 OBS 3662113123: Large coarse 4-step raster |
2015-10-03 19:14:33-19:48:44
C1: South pole scan OBS 3880012095: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
2015-10-03 17:37:33-18:11:44
C1: North pole scan OBS 3880012095: Very large coarse 64-step raster |
2015-10-03 12:04:21-16:54:21
Coord w/ SST, flare watch on AR12427 OBS 3680088902: Medium sit-and-stare |
2015-10-03 08:04:11-11:02:37
Coord w/ SST, prog F limb spicules near AR12422 OBS 3623008113: Large coarse 2-step raster |
2015-10-03 04:47:33-07:34:21
Low datarate flare watch at limb, AR12422 OBS 3662113123: Large coarse 4-step raster |
2015-10-03 04:19:18-04:37:22
A1: QS monitoring OBS 3882010194: Large coarse 64-step raster |
2015-10-03 00:00:27-02:47:07
Wobble calibration, roll +90, S OBS 4202100004: SJI MgIIw (10s exp) and SiIV (6s exp), 20s cad, for wobble calibration |
x,y: | -965",-40" | Max FOV: | 0"x180" | Target: | (NONE) | Roll: | 90 deg | Nearby Events |
2015-10-02 20:47:20-23:36:39
O I study, tracking AR12420 limb-to-limb OBS 3690092077: Very large dense 320-step raster |
2015-10-02 17:35:31-20:22:11
Wobble calibration, roll +90, N OBS 4202100004: SJI MgIIw (10s exp) and SiIV (6s exp), 20s cad, for wobble calibration |
2015-10-02 12:04:21-17:04:17
Coord w/ SST, flare watch on AR12422 OBS 3680088902: Medium sit-and-stare |
2015-10-02 08:04:21-11:03:20
Coord w/ SST, flare watch on AR12422 OBS 3680088902: Medium sit-and-stare |
2015-10-02 04:44:43-07:31:29
Low data rate flare watch on AR 12422 OBS 3661113123: Large coarse 4-step raster |