XRT: SOT full-sun scan
2007-12-19T12:18:20 to 2007-12-19T22:27:07
Science Goal: CORE: Synoptic SOT Irradiance Scans, CORE: SOT continuous magnetic field observations for investigating mechanisms responsible for XBPs and QS dynamics
Program: HOP46_3
Target: QR
xcen=0 ycen=35
Instrument: XRT
Daily Note: [Maintenance Note (Matsuzaki), for CP/RT Tohban] System backup and security patch of two data distributors for Hinode will be executed (15:00-24:00 JST). Data distributor for real time operation is not related. Ask fujitsu engineer if urgent command plan update is needed. * This means that the plan should be finished prior to 15:00 JST * Main Topics: EIS sens. mon., and HOP 46. XRT * Collaborative observations with SOLIS during EIS sensitivity monitoring, 1600-2000UT, with start during radiation-free time (or, no more than 6 minutes before radiation-free). [XRT-CO, use SSQ 006C] * Active Region thermal/DEM studies and high cadence movie (expect AR10978 will have crossed the limb, so perhaps move to a different AR--TBD). * Continue flare detection mode. * Support HOP 53 (QS and XBP), if no ARs are present on the disk. * Support HOP 46 (but TBD) EIS EIS to perform sensitivity monitoring for 3.5 hrs, QS near disc centre. Usual 16-20 UT period preferred by XRT for their coincident collaboration with SOLIS at NSO
second preference 20-24 UT. ** To be done on Thursday. ** * Observe AR at the limb for to observe coronal condensation. * EIS: will run two programmes with cool line lists: 1) four-position narrow-slot raster covering 150""x400"" at 70-s cadence 2) five-position narrow slit raster covering 5""x512"" at 3.5-min cadence Requests to other instruments roughly formulated as follows (but further discussions welcome): * SOT: request to observe in Ca II H, with CT as close to limb as possible while maintaining stability. * XRT: request to use a thin filter to see the lowest temperature loops
double exposure times requested to bring out the faintest structures as well as the brightest (AEC not favoured). * Would like to observe the oppositely oriented polarity pairs in the northern hemisphere for 1-2 hours to look at the quadrupolar connections
requires a pointing between these polarities * EIS: wide-slot sit'n'stare movie with 20-s and 60-s exposures * XRT: request a filter cycle through the softer filters to observe the connections. Cadence less important than dual exposures. * HOP 46 (for two days as required) * HOP 53 (for two days as required) SOT * Track AR10978 to West limb. 2-min basic cadence monitoring program * AR10978 1-min medium cadence program 18--00 UT * AR10798 sunspot studies: high cadence mag-dop observations on largest spot. 11--13 UT * AR10978 at West Limb: - SOT/EIS Coronal rain study (Brooks) - SOT/XRT/EIS Thermal study (Sterling) - AR prominence (if there is one...) study * HOP 46 Irradiance scans * HOP 53 QS XBP study * Quiescent prominence TOO (Berger) - CaH, H-alpha dopplergram - NaD polarimetry - EIS request: IUU_Slot_148_400 - no raster 15 sec cadence * 5576 Flatfield * CT Jitter diagnostics (10 min extended DC synoptic)
Request to XRT HOP Number 0046:
Other Instruments: eventual use of ACRIM and SORCE TIM irradiance measurements during analysis phase. No specific requests for coordinated operations since these instruments operate continually.
Scientific Objectives: Scientific background: The total solar irradiance varies by about 0.1% over the course of the solar cycle, primarily due to the influence of magnetic structures such as sunspots and faculae on the photospheric spectral irradiance. Short-term irradiance variation (on the scale of days-to- months) is well understood to be due to the balance of sunspots and facular areas as they cross the disk. However on the decadal scale of the solar cycle, questions remain as to why the irradiance variation can lead and/or lag the active region count over the course of the cycle. Explanations ranging from changes in the solar diameter in response to magnetic flux storage in the convection zone to changes in the surface area of the photosphere due to F-mode modulation have been put forward. Seeing-free observations of both granulation and magnetic flux on a large range of scales are now possible with the SOT SP/FG instrument combination. We propose to observe with SOT on a regular basis throughout the rise of Cycle 24 in order to better understand the variation of irradiance with rising flux levels in the photosphere. On 07-March-2007 we performed a test program which produced a N-S scan of the central meridian with full SP normal maps at 12 positions. In a separate program (08-March-2007) we produced E- W scans of the +15 and -15 deg. latitude ""active region"" belts with BFI continuum filtergrams and NFI Fe I 630.25 nm magnetograms. Both of these programs produced unique data that are not possible to obtain from any other visible light solar instrument. If performed on a regular basis and ultimately analyzed with the data from the total irradiance measurement satellites such as ACRIM and SORCE, these observations have the potential to reveal new and important aspects of the relation between solar irradiance and magnetic flux emergence over the solar cycle. Objective: Measure large-sample statistical granulation properties such as size and contrast in three continuum bands along with both line-of-sight and vector magnetic field measurements for a variety of disk positions over the course of Cycle 24. Ideally we would like to have full-disk observations of these properties, but since the SOT field- of-view is limited, the number of disk positions observed is limited to the number of individual pointings that are practical in one observing period.
Request to XRT HOP Number 0053: Thin Al/Poly sub-field readout at each pointing position.
Other Instruments: NONE
Scientific Objectives: Previous magnetic-field observations (/w 1-2 arcsec spatial resolution, longitudinal only) shows that magnetic cancellation is involved in many XBPs and magnetic emergence in a limited number of XBPs (e.g., Harvey et al.) Priest and Parnell (1994) proposed a magnetic canceling model for explaining the overall evolution of XBPs. However, this model has not yet been confirmed with observations. SOT has not yet performed magnetic-field observations suitable for investigating mechanisms responsible for XBPs (see Kotoku et al. 2007 PASJ). The biggest problem in the observations made so far with Hinode is that continuous SOT observations are available only in a few - several hours, which is much shorter than the lifetime of XBPs (8 hrs for small typical XBPs, 48hrs for bigger XBPs) and time-scale of small-scale magnetic field evolution (Schrijver et al. 1998). We are lack of observations with continuous a-few days tracking of a quiet region with Hinode SOT coodinated with XRT and EIS.