XRT: AR Tracking with Flare response
2007-12-16T00:17:49 to 2007-12-16T23:59:13
Science Goal: CORE: SOT continuous magnetic field observations for investigating mechanisms responsible for XBPs and QS dynamics
Program: AR_Tracking_3
Target: AR
xcen=855 ycen=-152
Instrument: XRT
Daily Note: (AR has higher consideration this week over QS studies currently being considered.) XRT * Target of opportunity, Active Region thermal/DEM studies. * Support HOP 53 (QS and XBP) * Quiet limb studies, _only if_ no active regions are present on the disk. * Include HOP 46 in Monday's timeline (TBD) EIS * Observations of active region 10978, which is currently on the limb. Several observing modes are planned - large field of view rasters (e.g., 400""x400"") for measurements of the temperature and density structure of the active region and full active region modeling. - slot raster movies, 148""x400"" at 60s cadence, for tracking the evolution of active region loops. - sit and stare, 1""x400"" at 30s cadence, for the study of individual heating events. * HOP 53 - SOT continuous magnetic field observations for XBPs and QS dynamics * Off limb quiet Sun studies - Raster over the limb to study the variation of temperature and density with height. - Sit and stare observations at several heights to accumulate good statistics. * Disk coronal hole studies - There appears to be a small disk coronal hole in the vicinity of AT 10978 (?). There are, however, no large polar coronal holes. A large field of view raster over this region would be interesting. SOT: - SOT has some engineering and science observations we request at disk center and near N/S pole this week, if there is no active region present. - HOP 53: CORE XBP study (Shimizu) Co-alignment program: *** Postpone this to later next week, because the AR is still interesting *** - Run standard co-alignment program: 2 hr for N 945 arcsec, 2hr for E -945 arcsec - In addition, run the co-alignment program: 30 min for S -945 arcsec and another 30 min for W 945 arcsec to check the mis-alignment between SOT and AOCS.
Request to XRT HOP Number 0053: * A test of HOP53 (XBP observation) performed from 11/30 18:22:30 to 11/30 18:50:24. The following XOBs can be used for this purpose. * XOB #1473: QS thermal -FOV384x256 -AEC1 and AEC3 (single-high) * XOB #1474: QS thermal -FOV384x256 -AEC1 and AEC3 (pair-med) Both for a test of HOP53.
Other Instruments: NONE
Scientific Objectives: Previous magnetic-field observations (/w 1-2 arcsec spatial resolution, longitudinal only) shows that magnetic cancellation is involved in many XBPs and magnetic emergence in a limited number of XBPs (e.g., Harvey et al.) Priest and Parnell (1994) proposed a magnetic canceling model for explaining the overall evolution of XBPs. However, this model has not yet been confirmed with observations. SOT has not yet performed magnetic-field observations suitable for investigating mechanisms responsible for XBPs (see Kotoku et al. 2007 PASJ). The biggest problem in the observations made so far with Hinode is that continuous SOT observations are available only in a few - several hours, which is much shorter than the lifetime of XBPs (8 hrs for small typical XBPs, 48hrs for bigger XBPs) and time-scale of small-scale magnetic field evolution (Schrijver et al. 1998). We are lack of observations with continuous a-few days tracking of a quiet region with Hinode SOT coodinated with XRT and EIS.