Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase Coverage Registry (HCR)
Observation Details
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2018-05-03 02:45:04-03:05:17
Bright Point fast map
Evolution of bright point/ephemeral region
Max FOV:101"x101"
Target:Active Region
Nearby Events
6302A Continuum Intensity101"x101"320 spectra
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density101"x101"320 spectra
6302A Transverse Flux Density101"x101"320 spectra
6302A Velocity 6301.5A101"x101"320 spectra

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SP Cubes 3 MB
SOTSP: Bright Point fast map
2018-05-03T02:45:04 to 2018-05-03T03:05:17
Science Goal: Evolution of bright point/ephemeral region
Program: Fast map, 102"x102", Q75, 1-side
Target: Active Region
xcen=53 ycen=362
Instrument: SOTSP
Description: 2-day tracking of coronal bright point and small bipolar region

2-day tracking of coronal bright point and small bipolar region

Hits: 75
Chief Observer
Tarbell (RCO)
Related Links
Cites: Bright Point fast map     
Timeline: gif use
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wavelength: 6302A Continuum Intensity cadence: 0 min fov: 101,101 images: 320 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Velocity 6301.5A cadence: 0 min fov: 101,101 images: 320 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Transverse Flux Density cadence: 0 min fov: 101,101 images: 320 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Longitudinal Flux Density cadence: 0 min fov: 101,101 images: 320 JavaScript Landing Page
Time Series (SP Datacubes)