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2011-07-12 11:39:11-12:05:58
HOP 192 with SST
CORE: Vector Magnetic Field Structure Within and Below Active Region Filaments
Max FOV:10"x81"
Target:Active Region
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6302A Continuum Intensity10"x81"396 spectra
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density10"x81"396 spectra
6302A Transverse Flux Density10"x81"396 spectra
6302A Velocity 6301.5A10"x81"396 spectra

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SOTSP: HOP 192 with SST
2011-07-12T11:39:11 to 2011-07-12T12:05:58
Science Goal: CORE: Vector Magnetic Field Structure Within and Below Active Region Filaments
Program: Fast Map, 20"x82", 1-side CCD, repeat, Q75
Target: Active Region
xcen=503 ycen=-391
Instrument: SOTSP
HOP/JOP: 166
Description: Request to SOT HOP Number 0192 BFI Ca II H /G-b, time cadence 60 sec NFI 5250 A/Mg I b 5172A IVDG, time cadence 30 sec SP high resolution fast maps 20?hx82?h Other Instruments: TRIPPEL @ SST Scientific Objectives: The goal of this proposal is to coordinate Hinode with SST where mainly spectroscopic observations will be carried out. We would to focus on two targets:(1) quiet Sun/plage region @ disc center: Recent studies based on realistic 3D simulations show that significant percentage of type I spicules might be produced by magnetic energy releases in the photosphere. Temperature increase at these locations, as well as high velocity flows, should be direct signatures of these events. By combining the spectroscopy in lines that probe different heights with the polarimetric signal obtained with Hinode/SOT, we will try to locate these events and follow their evolution.(2) active region: We intend to study convective motions and structure of umbral dots, penumbral fibrils and light bridges. We will try to obtain temperature and velocity profiles in low-mid photosphere.

Request to SOT HOP Number 0192 BFI Ca II H /G-b, time cadence 60 sec NFI 5250 A/Mg I b 5172A IVDG, time cadence 30 sec SP high resolution fast maps 20?hx82?h Other Instruments: TRIPPEL @ SST Scientific Objectives: The goal of this proposal is to coordinate Hinode with SST where mainly spectroscopic observations will be carried out. We would to focus on two targets:(1) quiet Sun/plage region @ disc center: Recent studies based on realistic 3D simulations show that significant percentage of type I spicules might be produced by magnetic energy releases in the photosphere. Temperature increase at these locations, as well as high velocity flows, should be direct signatures of these events. By combining the spectroscopy in lines that probe different heights with the polarimetric signal obtained with Hinode/SOT, we will try to locate these events and follow their evolution.(2) active region: We intend to study convective motions and structure of umbral dots, penumbral fibrils and light bridges. We will try to obtain temperature and velocity profiles in low-mid photosphere.

Hits: 54
Chief Observer
Cruz (RCO
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Cites: HOP 192 with SST     
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wavelength: 6302A Continuum Intensity cadence: 0 min fov: 10,81 images: 396 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Velocity 6301.5A cadence: 0 min fov: 10,81 images: 396 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Transverse Flux Density cadence: 0 min fov: 10,81 images: 396 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Longitudinal Flux Density cadence: 0 min fov: 10,81 images: 396 JavaScript Landing Page
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