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2010-07-30 20:31:08-20:42:31
(HOP 77)
(HOP 77)
Max FOV:11"x81"
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6302A Continuum Intensity11"x81"285 spectra
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density11"x81"285 spectra
6302A Transverse Flux Density11"x81"285 spectra
6302A Velocity 6301.5A11"x81"285 spectra

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2010-07-30T20:31:08 to 2010-07-30T20:42:31
Science Goal: (HOP 77)
Program: SUMI Very Fast Map, 10"x82" Q75 1-sided
xcen=-683 ycen=132
Instrument: SOTSP
Description: Request to SOT HOP Number 0077 1. High resolution SP-scan of whole AR until 20 minutes before scheduled launch time (SLT). At the end of this scan, we would like BFI/Ca and G-band images and NFI/Mg IV for a FOV that covers the whole AR. 2. From 20 minutes before SLT until 3 hours SLT: NFI: Mg IV Dopplergram sequence at 25-30 s cadence (wavelength scan before or after for calibration) BFI: Ca images at 25-30 s cadence SP: fast map at 1 min cadence, covering 10-15 arcsec Ted said he would look into possibly doing a sparse fast map by summing x2 and exposing at every other slit position. This would be to increase the region scanned in E-W and the odds of co-pointing with SUMI. To reduce telemetry issues, we can reduce the FOV of these high-cadence programs significantly (SUMI has a slit of 512 arcseconds long, so copointing in the S-N direction won't be an issue). FOV NFI: 384x768 (30x61 arcsec). FOV BFI: 512x1024 (26x51 arcsec). FOV SP : 10-15x60 arcsec. 3. 3 hours after SLT: another high-resolution SP-scan of whole AR. At the beginning of this scan, we again would like BFI/Ca and G-band images and NFI/Mg IV for a FOV that covers the whole AR. Other Instruments: SUMI, TRACE Scientific Objectives: SUMI will obtain 5 minutes of Mg II and C IV spectra and slit-jaw images, as well as Stokes information in those lines. The spatial resolution will be of order 1 arcsec. Targeting will be an active region if it is present, and TBD by Jonathan and colleagues if it isn't. These unique measurements provide an excellent opportunity to study the connection between the chromosphere and TR (along the lines of what IRIS and/or Solar C plan B would do), as well as study the magnetic field properties in the upper chromosphere and low TR. SUMI will have a launch window between 10 and 2 pm local time (White Sands) [i.e., 16-20 UTC], but with a launch time that will be known to 5-10 minutes precision two to fours days in advance. Pointing knowledge and precision will be of order 2-4 arcseconds. Launch is scheduled for Sep 10 or thereabouts. SUMI will attempt to avoid the time periods that Hinode and TRACE pass through the SAA.

Hits: 55
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wavelength: 6302A Continuum Intensity cadence: 0.01 min fov: 11,81 images: 285 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Velocity 6301.5A cadence: 0.01 min fov: 11,81 images: 285 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Transverse Flux Density cadence: 0.01 min fov: 11,81 images: 285 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Longitudinal Flux Density cadence: 0.01 min fov: 11,81 images: 285 JavaScript Landing Page
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