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2007-10-24 01:04:12-04:04:58
Observations in weak plage
A search for the roots of Parker's nanoflares using Hinode
Max FOV:16"x122"
Target:coronal heating
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6302A Continuum Intensity16"x122"2698 spectra
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density16"x122"2698 spectra
6302A Transverse Flux Density16"x122"2698 spectra
6302A Velocity 6301.5A16"x122"2698 spectra

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SOTSP: Observations in weak plage
2007-10-24T01:04:12 to 2007-10-24T04:04:58
Science Goal: A search for the roots of Parker's nanoflares using Hinode
Program: Fast map, 16 arcsec, 2 cycles, repeat
Target: coronal heating
xcen=79 ycen=-250
Instrument: SOTSP
Description: Daily Note and User Entry: SOT: --HOP28: Investigation of the quiet sun fine-scale structures ( -2007/10/23) (8 - 11 UT at Sun center
15 - 17 UT at N limb) --Oslo Spicules, coordinated La Palma, Limb (11 - 14 UT) --Support for HOP 0036 - Coronal heating with EIS and Norikura --Support for HOP 0041 - A search for the roots of Parker's nanoflares --Support for HOP 0011 - Coordinated Campaign Observation with THEMIS. Start from 24 Oct, at 11 UT. --TOO: Xray Bright Point, active region near disk center (needs intermittent andnbsp
coverage for two days), Shimizu --Scattering Polarization in CN, Na D, 7 pointings quiet Sun, 4hours, Frans Snik, Utrecht U. (Core program.) --Quiet Sun network dynamics, disk center, 2 hours, Catherine Fischer, Utrecht U. andnbsp
(Core program.) (XRT could run disk center programs during these periods.) --FPP wavefront reconstruction with focus, active region plage (or disk-center QS), 4 hours, C. Keller, Utrecht U. (Core program.) XRT: - Support for HOP 0011 - Coordinated Campaign Observation with THEMIS - c. Measurements of Magnetic Energy and Helicity Fluxes. andnbsp
Start from 24 Oct, at 11 UT. - Support for HOP 0028 - Investigation of the quiet sun fine-scale structures - Support for HOP 0036 - Coronal heating
Simultaneous observations with EIS and Norikura Coronagraph - Support for HOP 0041 - A search for the roots of Parker's nanoflares - TOO: SOT coordination program: ephemeral active region study with SOT (SOT poc: Lites/Elliot) - Support for Oslo period on La Palma EIS: - Request time to observe on-disc coronal hole (should be near disc centre) either andnbsp
a) if the activity to the east of the CH is significant, andnbsp
to observe interchange reconnection (5.5 hrs) andnbsp
b) if not, to observe jet material fall-back (multiples of 2.5 hours) - HOP 28 (QS fine scale) and Oslo: 15 - 17 UT and 08 - 11 UT - HOP 36 (Norikura) observations above the limb: 22 - 02 UT - HOP 41 (nanoflares): any time, but for several hours- HOP 11 (or HOP 04, andnbsp
mag. helicity and energy flux): 0730 - 1100 UT andnbsp
(EIS will make narrow-slot movies primarily for He II.) Computer Maintainance Note: andnbsp
Computer maintainance is schedule after 15:00 JST. The data distributor "datastrg1" will be stopped. CP is required to complete the cmdi tranfer by 15:00 JST.
Request to SOT:
Scientific Objectives: Science justification ===================== In 1972, Parker studied the implications of convective, turbulent motions on the magnetic fields extending into the solar atmosphere.
He proved that for all but highly contrived motions, there is no mechanical equilibrium.
The magnetic fields extending above the photosphere must evolve to dissipate the injected electromagnetic energy on dynamical (Alfvenic) time scales.
He dubbed this state of affairs "topological dissipation". It is topological in nature because equilibrium places strict topological constraints on the magnetic field, which are extremely unlikely to be met on the Sun.
Dissipation is required to account for the observation that most coronal and chromospheric structures live longer than the Alfvenic crossing time.
In his 1994 monograph, Parker showed that current sheets are a natural, spontaneous consequence of enforcing the constraint of magnetostatic equilibrium in forced, natural systems.
Current sheets are a natural site for dissipation of magnetic free energy stored in the atmosphere. In 1988, Parker estimated what the release of energy stored in this way might look like, as applied to plage regions of the Sun.
His paper was motivated by space-based observations of variability on short time scales over the chromospheric network, which he ascribed to the "nanoflare", a burst of heating of 10^24 erg or so. One of the primary limitations at that time was lack of knowledge of the surface magnetic fields, they being below the seeing limited capability of ground-based telescopes, and limited by the short duration of time series needed to study the evolution of the "drivers" of the magnetic fields.
In Parker's 1988 paper, he states:

"It is unfortunate that the motions of the magnetic fibrils are

not presently available from observation, since it is the

jiggling and wandering of those fibrils that provides most if

the energy input to the X-ray corona. We shall assume, for the

sake of discussion, that in keeping with the granule motions of

1-2 km/s, the foot points of the magnetic field are shuffled

about at random with a characteristic velocity v of the order

of 0.5 km/s, and with a correlation length l comparable to a

granule radius.
Hopefully, within the next decade a proper

observational determination of v and l will become available." In this proposal, we wish to use Hinode to obtain seeing-free time series of duration sufficient to investigate foot point motions in the photosphere.
We wish to study the topological forcing of the overlying atmosphere by tracking magnetic features, the modification of this topology throughout the chromosphere, and any associated dissipation in the corona. It is important for us to include the chromosphere in this study for several reasons.
The plasma beta=1 surfaces occur somewhere in the chromosphere. The twist/ braiding proposed by Parker may not survive to coronal levels, more recent work has indicated that the Maxwell stresses are large only near the "boundaries" (photosphere) of the overlying magnetic structure, and that the magnetic fields may be relatively uniform in the bulk of structure, including the corona (e.g., Sakurai and
Levine 1981, Arendt and
Schindler 1988).
Other Instruments: Hinode-only

Daily Note and User Entry: SOT: --HOP28: Investigation of the quiet sun fine-scale structures ( -2007/10/23) (8 - 11 UT at Sun center
15 - 17 UT at N limb) --Oslo Spicules, coordinated La Palma, Limb (11 - 14 UT) --Support for HOP 0036 - Coronal heating with EIS and Norikura --Support for HOP 0041 - A search for the roots of Parker's nanoflares --Support for HOP 0011 - Coordinated Campaign Observation with THEMIS. Start from 24 Oct, at 11 UT. --TOO: Xray Bright Point, active region near disk center (needs intermittent andnbsp
coverage for two days), Shimizu --Scattering Polarization in CN, Na D, 7 pointings quiet Sun, 4hours, Frans Snik, Utrecht U. (Core program.) --Quiet Sun network dynamics, disk center, 2 hours, Catherine Fischer, Utrecht U. andnbsp
(Core program.) (XRT could run disk center programs during these periods.) --FPP wavefront reconstruction with focus, active region plage (or disk-center QS), 4 hours, C. Keller, Utrecht U. (Core program.) XRT: - Support for HOP 0011 - Coordinated Campaign Observation with THEMIS - c. Measurements of Magnetic Energy and Helicity Fluxes. andnbsp
Start from 24 Oct, at 11 UT. - Support for HOP 0028 - Investigation of the quiet sun fine-scale structures - Support for HOP 0036 - Coronal heating
Simultaneous observations with EIS and Norikura Coronagraph - Support for HOP 0041 - A search for the roots of Parker's nanoflares - TOO: SOT coordination program: ephemeral active region study with SOT (SOT poc: Lites/Elliot) - Support for Oslo period on La Palma EIS: - Request time to observe on-disc coronal hole (should be near disc centre) either andnbsp
a) if the activity to the east of the CH is significant, andnbsp
to observe interchange reconnection (5.5 hrs) andnbsp
b) if not, to observe jet material fall-back (multiples of 2.5 hours) - HOP 28 (QS fine scale) and Oslo: 15 - 17 UT and 08 - 11 UT - HOP 36 (Norikura) observations above the limb: 22 - 02 UT - HOP 41 (nanoflares): any time, but for several hours- HOP 11 (or HOP 04, andnbsp
mag. helicity and energy flux): 0730 - 1100 UT andnbsp
(EIS will make narrow-slot movies primarily for He II.) Computer Maintainance Note: andnbsp
Computer maintainance is schedule after 15:00 JST. The data distributor "datastrg1" will be stopped. CP is required to complete the cmdi tranfer by 15:00 JST.
Request to SOT:
Scientific Objectives: Science justification ===================== In 1972, Parker studied the implications of convective, turbulent motions on the magnetic fields extending into the solar atmosphere.
He proved that for all but highly contrived motions, there is no mechanical equilibrium.
The magnetic fields extending above the photosphere must evolve to dissipate the injected electromagnetic energy on dynamical (Alfvenic) time scales.
He dubbed this state of affairs "topological dissipation". It is topological in nature because equilibrium places strict topological constraints on the magnetic field, which are extremely unlikely to be met on the Sun.
Dissipation is required to account for the observation that most coronal and chromospheric structures live longer than the Alfvenic crossing time.
In his 1994 monograph, Parker showed that current sheets are a natural, spontaneous consequence of enforcing the constraint of magnetostatic equilibrium in forced, natural systems.
Current sheets are a natural site for dissipation of magnetic free energy stored in the atmosphere. In 1988, Parker estimated what the release of energy stored in this way might look like, as applied to plage regions of the Sun.
His paper was motivated by space-based observations of variability on short time scales over the chromospheric network, which he ascribed to the "nanoflare", a burst of heating of 10^24 erg or so. One of the primary limitations at that time was lack of knowledge of the surface magnetic fields, they being below the seeing limited capability of ground-based telescopes, and limited by the short duration of time series needed to study the evolution of the "drivers" of the magnetic fields.
In Parker's 1988 paper, he states:

"It is unfortunate that the motions of the magnetic fibrils are

not presently available from observation, since it is the

jiggling and wandering of those fibrils that provides most if

the energy input to the X-ray corona. We shall assume, for the

sake of discussion, that in keeping with the granule motions of

1-2 km/s, the foot points of the magnetic field are shuffled

about at random with a characteristic velocity v of the order

of 0.5 km/s, and with a correlation length l comparable to a

granule radius.
Hopefully, within the next decade a proper

observational determination of v and l will become available." In this proposal, we wish to use Hinode to obtain seeing-free time series of duration sufficient to investigate foot point motions in the photosphere.
We wish to study the topological forcing of the overlying atmosphere by tracking magnetic features, the modification of this topology throughout the chromosphere, and any associated dissipation in the corona. It is important for us to include the chromosphere in this study for several reasons.
The plasma beta=1 surfaces occur somewhere in the chromosphere. The twist/ braiding proposed by Parker may not survive to coronal levels, more recent work has indicated that the Maxwell stresses are large only near the "boundaries" (photosphere) of the overlying magnetic structure, and that the magnetic fields may be relatively uniform in the bulk of structure, including the corona (e.g., Sakurai and
Levine 1981, Arendt and
Schindler 1988).
Other Instruments: Hinode-only

Hits: 33
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Cites: Observations in weak plage     
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wavelength: 6302A Continuum Intensity cadence: 0 min fov: 16,122 images: 2698 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Velocity 6301.5A cadence: 0 min fov: 16,122 images: 2698 JavaScript Landing Page
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wavelength: 6302A Longitudinal Flux Density cadence: 0 min fov: 16,122 images: 2698 JavaScript Landing Page