SOTSP: AR Evolution
2007-01-21T19:22:00 to 2007-01-21T20:25:13
Science Goal: AR Evolution
Program: Fast Map, Full FOV
Target: Active Region
xcen=652 ycen=105
Instrument: SOTSP
The two-day SOT plan over the weekend for the period 2007 January 20-22 is shown in the attached .gif timeline. There are two periods, both 12 - 18h on the 20th and 21st, where XRT is pointing at the south polar regions. SOT carries out a narrow, long field observation at high cadence with both FG and SP to look for polar dynamic events. From 18h on the 20th to 12h on the 21st, and again from 18h on the 21st to 6h on the 22nd, SOT observes region 10938 with a mix of full-field low cadence and rapid, half-field observations in the FG (G-band, CaII, and magnetograms), plus occasional SP maps. In the period 6 - 11h on the 22nd we observe quiet Sun center.
The two-day SOT plan over the weekend for the period 2007 January 20-22 is shown in the attached .gif timeline. There are two periods, both 12 - 18h on the 20th and 21st, where XRT is pointing at the south polar regions. SOT carries out a narrow, long field observation at high cadence with both FG and SP to look for polar dynamic events. From 18h on the 20th to 12h on the 21st, and again from 18h on the 21st to 6h on the 22nd, SOT observes region 10938 with a mix of full-field low cadence and rapid, half-field observations in the FG (G-band, CaII, and magnetograms), plus occasional SP maps. In the period 6 - 11h on the 22nd we observe quiet Sun center.