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2006-12-19 21:38:08-22:49:00
APL Solar Bolometric Imager (BSI)
APL Solar Bolometric Imager (BSI)
Max FOV:0"x162"
Target:disk center
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6302A Continuum Intensity0"x162"430 spectra
6302A Longitudinal Flux Density0"x162"430 spectra
6302A Transverse Flux Density0"x162"430 spectra
6302A Velocity 6301.5A0"x162"430 spectra

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SOTSP: APL Solar Bolometric Imager (BSI)
2006-12-19T21:38:08 to 2006-12-19T22:49:00
Science Goal: APL Solar Bolometric Imager (BSI)
Program: Deep mode, single slit position
Target: disk center
xcen=-22 ycen=8
Instrument: SOTSP
Description: Sun center tracking observation (9 hours) Request to SOT HOP Number 0001 SOT follows the SBI pointing EIS slots, plus full FOV Gband, CaH, BC, and mags

Sun center tracking observation (9 hours) Request to SOT HOP Number 0001 SOT follows the SBI pointing EIS slots, plus full FOV Gband, CaH, BC, and mags

Hits: 140
Chief Observer
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Cites: APL Solar Bolometric Imager (BSI)     
Timeline: gif use
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wavelength: 6302A Continuum Intensity cadence: 0.1 min fov: 0,162 images: 430 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Velocity 6301.5A cadence: 0.1 min fov: 0,162 images: 430 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Transverse Flux Density cadence: 0.1 min fov: 0,162 images: 430 JavaScript Landing Page
wavelength: 6302A Longitudinal Flux Density cadence: 0.1 min fov: 0,162 images: 430 JavaScript Landing Page
Time Series (SP Datacubes)
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