Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase Coverage Registry (HCR)
Observation Details
SOT: Synoptic
2011-04-30T17:43:00 to 2011-04-30T17:43:23
Science Goal: Synoptic
Program: Synoptic BFI NFI (revised: small, no mask)
Target: Sun Center
xcen=0 ycen=0
Instrument: SOT
HOP/JOP: 185
Description: Target of Interest: Quiet Sun Program (main priority) 1 Select a position, near disc centre, away from an active region, but it would acceptable in external area of a decaying active region. The elected area will contain some network and eventually a small facula. We would like to scan the solar disk with u-intervals of 0.2 from center to limb, 30 minutes at each position. 2 Obtain SOT filtergrams from the Broadband Filter Imager (BFI): Ca II H at 10-min cadence when possible, WITHOUT REBINNING (binning just 1x1). A suitable FOV would be 54"x54". Images V/I 1x1 on MgI (517.27 nm), tuning at +/- 11.5 pm are required. Tunable HK (656.3nm) and Na I (589.6 nm), are also desirable. FOV=56"x56", with cadence of 90 s (preferred cadence: 60s). These images will provide the radiative structures at different levels of the photosphere and the chromosphere. 3 Obtain magnetograms or spectropolarimetric maps with SOT/SP, if possible at or near the same time as the filtergrams in FAST MAP MODE, 1 map (approx. 15"x65") every 30min, as this is one of the modes that best suits the requirements with minimum storage and/or telemetry (120 Kb/sec). TARGET OF INTEREST: ACTIVE REGION PROGRAM TARGET OF OPPORTUNITY (TOO) A: EVOLUTION OF MAGNETIC TOPOLOGY IN DECAYING ACTIVE REGIONS TARGET OF OPPORTUNITY (TOO) B: DEVELOPED ACTIVE REGION From NFI, would be desirable to have data from MgI b for dipplergrams (shutterless I and V +/- 11.5 pm from line center) and Til for umbral magnetograms.

Hits: 36
Chief Observer
Cruz (RCO)
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