Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase Coverage Registry (HCR)
Observation Details
SOTSP: HOP269 filament observation
2019-02-25T18:17:00 to 2019-02-25T21:17:00
Science Goal: Prominence-Coronal Cavity Systems: Cyclic Mass Transport and Magnetic Flux Emergence
Program: Fast map, 280"x130", Q65, 1-side CCD
Target: Filament
xcen=875 ycen=176
Instrument: SOTSP
HOP/JOP: 269
Description: The objective of this HOP is to investigate mass and magnetic flux transport in PCCs and its connection to their eruptions as CMEs. We aim at addressing the following interrelated questions: (A) The cyclic mass transport of both hot and cool plasma in PCCs. What is the physical nature of vertical filamentary downflow threads and enigmatic rising bubbles in prominences? Where, when, and how does in-situ coronal condensation occur? Can we determine the key sources of mass and mechanisms of transport into the PCC that feed the prominence and its drainage? (B) The effect of magnetic flux emergence on PCCs. How does flux emergence develop and affect the formation and evolution of an overlying PCC? Can we associate flux emergence with prominence bubbles? (C) The role of mass and magnetic flux transport in the eventual eruptions of PCCs. Can we correlate mass loss due to drainage in prominences, magnetic flux and helicity build-up by flux emergence below PCCs, or both with imminent eruptions? To achieve these science goals, we propose a new HOP, by incorporating IRIS, which builds on and extends existing HOPs 73 (Berger et al., Quiescent Prominence Dynamics) and 139 (Okamoto et al., Filament Formation and Evolution by Emerging Flux). Key measurements from individual instruments include: Doppler and plane-of-sky (POS) velocities of off-limb prominences and on-disk filaments by SOT and/or IRIS, density diagnostics of prominences and the prominence corona transition region (PCTR) by IRIS and AIA (EUV absorption), density, temperature, and Doppler diagnostics of the surrounding coronal cavity by EIS and/or AIA, magnetic flux emergence under/near filaments by SOT/SP. The observation specifications described below are organized in two cases: Case 1 for prominences at the limb and Case 2 for filaments on the disk.

Hits: 36
Chief Observer
DeRosa (RCO)
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Timeline: gif use
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contextwavelength: null cadence: fov: null,null images: null