Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase Coverage Registry (HCR)
Observation Details
SOTSP: CO: Coordinated Observations Between EIS and IRIS
2014-05-31T17:19:30 to 2014-05-31T20:33:30
Science Goal: HOP 241
Program: Fast map, 123"x123", 1-side CCD
Target: Active Region
xcen=301 ycen=-175
Instrument: SOTSP
Description: INTRODUCTION: Flare observations at 10 s cadence with CDS stare studies PBEAM and FLAREDOP have provided valuable insight into the physics of flares and microflares. This prompted the development of the EIS rapid cadence (11.2 s) flare stare study FLAREDOP_EIS (ID# 472), which has successfully observed several microflares (GOES levelC1 or weaker) as of this writing (Brosius 2013, ApJ 762, 133
Brosius 2013, ApJ 777, 135
see also EIS Nuggets from November 2012 and November 2013). Here we propose to obtain rapid cadence EIS stare spectra (FLAREDOP_EIS) coordinated with rapid cadence IRIS stare spectra, along with filter images from XRT and longitudinal magnetograms from SOT. Coordinated observations with CDS will be sought as long as CDS continues to operate. SCIENCE OBJECTIVES: Flare emission originates in plasma over a wide range of temperatures, from those characteristic of the chromosphere (~0.01 MK) to those uniquely associated with flares (~10 MK), and canevolve on timescales of seconds. We propose to observe flares with EIS using the rapid cadence (11.2 s) flare stare study that we developed (FLAREDOP_EIS, ID# 472). This study is designed to measure(1) time differences in the brightenings of lines formed at differenttemperatures (which indicates whether flare energy transport is dominated by nonthermal particle beams or by thermal conduction)
(2) the evolution of flare physical properties like electron density (based on density-sensitive line intensity ratios), bulk flows (based on Doppler shifts of whole line profiles and/or the emergence of secondary, highly shifted components), and unresolved turbulent motions (based on nonthermal line widths). The EIS spectra will be combined with slit-jaw images and FUV spectra from NASA's IRIS satellite in order to expand the spatial and temperature coverage of EIS alone. These coordinated observations are unique in that they provide simultaneous, rapid cadence spectra covering a wide temperature range at 2 different locations within a flaring source. If CDS is able to participate, we will potentially observe solar flares simultaneously with three different spectrometers pointed at three different locations within the source region. We hope to observe event(s) sufficiently energetic (greater than GOES level C1) that RHESSI will provide not only evidence for nonthermal electrons, but also measurements of their properties. request to SOT Please obtain longitudinal magnetograms and Ca II images, each at oneminute cadence, within a field of view around 3 arcmin by 3 arcmin. These will help reveal whether flare activity is associated with emerging flux, converging flux, disappearing flux, or some othermagnetic phenomenon.

Hits: 49
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contextwavelength: null cadence: fov: null,null images: null