SOTSP: HOP 76 - S3
2008-08-07T14:04:00 to 2008-08-07T15:20:00
Science Goal: Observation of an equatorial coronal hole
Program: Fast map 164x164", Q65, 1 side
Target: Coronal Hole
xcen=-401 ycen=-445
Instrument: SOTSP
SOT will support for HOP 76 (equatorial coronal hole). HOP 76 has 3 areas labeled S1, S2, S3 and we do a 164x164" SP fast map in each one and low cadence FG images. Scientific Objectives: High-speed solar wind with velocity of about 700 km/s was detected by ACE from July 12 to 16, 2008. Just before, on July 10-12, an equatorial coronal hole had passed the central meridian. Various models (e.g. the Wang-Sheeley-Arge solar wind speed prediction model with potential field approximation and our MHD model) strongly suggest that the high-speed solar wind originated from this equatorial coronal hole.