TRACE: full disk
1998-09-19T02:26:00 to 1998-09-19T04:08:00
Science Goal: SCIPLAN_full_disk
Program: Polar plume (while the B angle is still good), AR 8335
xcen=0 ycen=0
Instrument: TRACE
FILE: T98261TIMFIL TITLE: Time line for Sept 18-19, 1998 Friday/Saturday, DOY 261/262 PURPOSE: Polar plume (while the B angle is still good), AR 8335 HISTORY: Shine, Wolfson COMMENTS: DeForest plume program, 171/195, context in 1550, 1600, 1700, 1216K. Muglach 3D study, 1216, 171, 284, context in wl, 1600sunspot oscillations, 171, wl, 1600, 1216