IRIS: Hinode Coord, HOP 306,
2016-10-25T14:04:59 to 2016-10-25T17:50:17
Program: OBS 3640010059: Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 15
Target: AR
xcen=661 ycen=150
Instrument: IRIS
Hinode Coord, HOP 306,
13 repeats of OBSID 3640010059 - Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 15
IRIS roll: 0.0 degrees
IRIS planner pointing: (661.0 arcsec, 150.0 arcsec)
OBS duration: 13518.8 seconds = 13 repeats x 1039.9 seconds/repeat
OBS data volume: 659.0 megabytes = 5272.3 megabits = 13518.8 seconds * 0.4 megabits/second
Hits: 210
Planner: Juan Martinez-Sykora