IRIS: DST/Hinode coord, North pole limb
2013-09-16T14:26:06 to 2013-09-16T15:32:46
Program: OBS 4004007169: Four-step coarse raster 6"x50" 4s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 4 SJI cadence 10x faster
Target: (NONE)
xcen=0 ycen=900
Instrument: IRIS
DST/Hinode coord, North pole limb
200 repeats of OBSID 4004007169 - Four-step coarse raster 6"x50" 4s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 4 SJI cadence 10x faster
IRIS roll: 90.0 degrees
IRIS planner pointing: (0.0 arcsec, 900.0 arcsec)
OBS duration: 4000.4 seconds = 200 repeats x 20.0 seconds/repeat
OBS data volume: 490.0 megabytes = 3920.4 megabits = 4000.4 seconds * 1.0 megabits/second
Hits: 278
Planner: Juan Martinez-Sykora