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Highest Rated Events (only 193 and 304 shown) All AR FE FL

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Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-12-23T01:42:40
2017-12-14T21:10:13 --> 2017-12-14T23:40:13
The eruption was associated with a B1.1 flare and from a region slightly occulted. It was loop-like, but produced a CME that was quite narrow (http://spaceweather.gmu.edu/seeds/mkmovie.php?cme=20171214.231214.w023.v0281.p081&frame=12&r).


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-12-23T01:10:29
2017-12-11T00:30:01 --> 2017-12-11T01:50:01
The eruption seems to be confined, not reaching the coronagraph height. This was associated with a short-duration B6.2 flare.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-11-20T04:15:53
2017-11-17T00:10:14 --> 2017-11-17T01:15:02
The flare occurred in the southeastern periphery of AR 12687. Around this time the region still consisted of beta spots whose area was 90 MSH. The flare was accompanied by a jet.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-10-19T00:48:27
2017-10-18T05:25:14 --> 2017-10-18T14:01:14
Today's GOES X-ray light curves show a long duration event peaked at B2.3. This represents a post-eruption arcade following an eruption from a region some 35 degrees behind the east limb (which turned out to be around the location of AR 12673.) The associated eruption occurred about 2.5 hours before, to the south of what became bright as seen over the limb. This became a bright CME (http://spaceweather.gmu.edu/seeds/mkmovie.php?cme=20171018.053607.w118.v0623.p097&frame=7&r), which was immediately followed by another, similar-looking CME (http://spaceweather.gmu.edu/seeds/mkmovie.php?cme=20171018.071207.w116.v0397.p089&frame=9&r). The projected signature of the second eruption in AIA images is an EUV wave to the north of that associated with the first eruption. Details TBD until all the EUVI data become available.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-09-14T07:13:18
2017-09-06T08:40:13 --> 2017-09-06T10:30:37
There are some motions related to the flare and even small dimming, but overall it is a non-eruptive event and may the coronalgraph features (http://spaceweather.gmu.edu/seeds/mkmovie.php?cme=20170906.083607.w025.v0224.p260&frame=7&r) may not represent a real CME or related to this flare.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-08-28T04:58:49
2017-08-24T00:25:13 --> 2017-08-24T01:10:49
A minor eruption that accompanied the C3.0 flare in AR 12671 went primarily westward, whereas the coronal wave propagated southward. A secondary wave from the interaction of the eruption with the adjacent structure is seen off the limb. No CME was associated with this event.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-08-28T00:44:32
2017-08-20T19:00:09 --> 2017-08-20T21:00:09
Another flare in AR 12672, which was similar to the earlier M1.1 event, in the sense that its eruptive action, mostly radial, left the loops above the AR oscillating.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-08-28T00:35:34
2017-08-20T01:20:25 --> 2017-08-20T02:45:37
The flare occurred as AR 12672 rotated on to the visible disk. Its associated eruption was more radial than lateral (i.e. only a weak EUV wave). The loop osciollation was a notable feature of this flare.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-07-06T01:36:47
2017-07-03T15:30:01 --> 2017-07-03T18:00:01
More energetic version of the B1.3 flare on 2 July 2017. Cool prominence matrial is more clearly seen. However, supra-arcade downflows, often seen in eruptive flares, seem to be missing.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-07-06T00:52:20
2017-07-02T11:50:25 --> 2017-07-02T14:20:25
This eruption was similar to the earlier one (around 00:30 UT), but the erupting filament was more clearly seen, accompanying coronal dimming.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-05-07T06:01:56
2017-05-05T22:30:01 --> 2017-05-05T23:30:01
This flare may be called eruptive by some, because a large area to the north seems to have been impacted. But there is no way it was associated with a CME even in the limb view. There may have been disturbances due to MHD waves but it seems that no flux rope was involved, hence no CME.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-05-06T20:05:56
2017-04-29T22:40:13 --> 2017-04-30T05:00:13
The eruption started slowly in AR 12653 (without a clear filament as a marker) but produced significant coronal dimming on both sides of the flare ribbons. Post eruption arcades were formed, explaining the associated B3.0 long-decay event in soft X-rays. This eruption did not arrive at Earth.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-04-22T09:46:16
2017-04-18T18:55:14 --> 2017-04-19T02:01:14
The flare lasted long, and as expected, was associated with a more decent CME than the previous flare. This one does not show clear coronal waves, and the expansion was more in the radial than horizontal directions. After the peak downward motions are seen from the top of the arcade which is hot. Shortly after the eruption, big motions were seen, but these are image motions. Indeed, the peak of the flare coincided with AIA weekly calibration.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-04-22T09:32:37
2017-04-18T09:20:25 --> 2017-04-18T10:50:25
AR 12644, which produced M-class flares on 1-2 April 2017 came back as AR 12651, producing two C-class flares on 18 April 2017. The first one was associated with a mediocre CME, but it accompanied a coronal wave propagating along the limb (counterclockwise) and into the disk.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-03-30T20:30:32
2017-03-28T04:30:01 --> 2017-03-28T06:00:01
Another C-class flare in AR 12645. An eruption coincided with the impulsive phase, but it was probably less powerful than the previous ones in the same region. There was no associated CME.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-03-30T07:38:33
2017-03-27T16:30:01 --> 2017-03-27T19:30:01
There were three eruptions between 17:00 UT and 18:30 UT. First, large-scale motions seemed to precede the footpoint brightening of the C1.6 flare that peaked at 17:12. Then more violent eruption was seen associated with a B4.1 flare peaking at 17:43 (here it seems that flare=post-eruption arcade) slightly closer to the limb. Finally the footpoint brightening of theC5.1 flare that peaked at 18:20 seemed to precede an eruption, which appeared not as significant as the first two. The SEEDS catalog does not contain LASCO images around these events, but a CME is seen in https://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/movie/make_javamovie.php?img1=lasc2rdf&img2=goesx&stime=20170327_1800&etime=20170327_2359.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2017-03-30T07:10:26
2017-03-27T10:50:25 --> 2017-03-27T13:00:25
This flare occurred in a newly emerging region AR 12645. The eruption coincided with the flare impulsive phase, and the movie captures both the erupting flux rope and driven front. The corona above the AR was temporarily dimmed. The associated CME is http://spaceweather.gmu.edu/seeds/mkmovie.php?cme=20170327.121207.w047.v0180.p090&frame=19&r.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2016-11-30T00:54:21
2016-11-29T17:00:03 --> 2016-11-29T17:30:03
M-class flare we have not see for ages. This one occurred in a rapidly growing AR 12615. Boring flare.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by jinmeng, Submitted at 2016-09-07T02:00:31
2016-09-05T09:00:06 --> 2016-09-05T10:14:06
A small flare was observed from AR 12587 with double ribbons. There are materials erupted but then fall back to the Sun.


Rating: 3.0 (0=lowest, 5=highest)         Num Ratings:1
Detected by halocme, Submitted at 2016-08-27T07:36:16
2016-08-14T04:20:22 --> 2016-08-14T05:39:34
The B2.5 flare occurred in a region without NOAA number, accompanying a minor eruoption. Around the same time, a jet-like activity is seen in a region far to the west, also without NOAA number.


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